Coconut Cake

12Coconut Cake
A Coconut Cake is one of the most delicious and moist cakes around the world. It is taken as one the most vulnerable cakes. Some cakes done with coconut frosting are to die for. The flavour and texture takes this cake to another level. It’s enjoyed by all age groups. This cakes takes me down the memory lane when  I had this first at my brother ‘s second birthday celebration. It was beautifully made and presented by my cousin Mamta Mohan. Ever since, that memory and taste have  stuck with me.
As I grew up, I stated eating a lot of coconut cookies, macaroons and toffees but never had that type of cake again. Since I bake a lot for my kids, I thought of introducing them to this childhood taste of coconut which still remains a fond memory…..I was bit apprehensive at first as to how my kids would take it but it was loved and appreciated by not only my family but my friends too.
Here, I have made a plain coconut cake with no frosting but only sprinkled it with roasted and desiccated coconut. And now it’s a popular cake so I thought of sharing its recipe with all……
 Ingredients :
  • Flour – 11/2 cup( maida)
  • Condensed Milk – 1/2 tin condensed milk
  • Desiccated Coconut – 1 cup
  • Cream – 1/4 cup (it should be sour cream, if u don’t have one then either put a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to the cream and leave aside for 20 minutes)
  • Coconut milk  – 1/4 cup
  • Butter – 50 gems butter
  • Baking Powder – 1 tsp of baking powder
  • Baking Soda – 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • Vanilla essence – a few drops
  • Warm Milk – 4 tbsp
  • 3 Eggs(optional)


  1. Sieve all the dry ingredients together
  2. Mix cream and coconut thick milk (I had used Maggie coconut milk powder and dissolved it in a little warm milk and later mixed with cream)
  3. Add desiccated coconut to the dry mix
  4. Beat butter and milkmaid at medium speed, add 1 tbsp of powdered sugar and vanilla essence and beat together
  5. Add the cream mixture and beat for a minute
  6. Fold in the dry mixture in batches
  7. Add little bit of warm milk to loosen the batter
  8. Pour the batter in the greased mould and bake in a pre-heated oven at 160 degrees for 35 minutes
  9. Cool and unmould and decorate with roasted desicated coconut and serve
  10. (If u want to put egg then use 3 eggs and 1 cup of powdered sugar instead of condensed milk.
Tip : If you are using sugar then don’t use condensed milk

4 thoughts on “Coconut Cake

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. This is one of those recipes that never fails. I recently baked this cake and took it to work and got so much appreciation for it. So I thought I should pass back the compliments to you


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