Milk Powder Puas


Happy Basant Panchami

Basant Panchami marks the onset of spring. Considered as an auspicious day, the festival celebrated in different states of India, according to the Hindu calendar and falls on the fifth day (Panchami) of the Hindu month of Magha. There are many interesting stories associated with Basant Panchami celebrations.

According to popular belief, goddess Saraswati – the deity of knowledge, music, arts, science and technology – was born on this day and people worship her to achieve wisdom. On this day, the goddess is worshipped so that she may bestow the gift of knowledge to her devotees.The color yellow plays an important role in Vasant Panchami as it is related to the bloom of mustard flowers during this period. Celebrants usually wear yellow garments, Saraswati is worshiped in a yellow dress, and sweet saffron rice and yellow sweets are consumed within the families.

I remember mom making lots of delicacies on this occasion.We used to wait as a kid to finish puja  and eat those amazing dishes prepared by her.Puas used to be one of them.I used to love digging into hot syrupy puas.Same tradition I carried with kids .In my in laws side too puas and dahi wadas are must today along with any yellow food.

This particular milk powder pua is my personal favourite and I make at any given occasion and its very simple to make.

Come lets make my way….


  • Refined flour -1 cups
  • Milk Powder – 2 cups
  • Sugar – 1 cup or as per taste
  • water – 1 cup
  • kesar -few strands
  • Milk – 1 1/2 cup or as much required to make batter of dropping consistency
  • Grated Dry Coconut – 8 tbsp
  • Fennel seed – 1/2 tsp
  • Green Cardamom Powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Oil – for deep frying
  • Ghee – 2 tbsp
  • Baking Powder – 2 pinch (optional)milk-powder-puas-3


Take refined flour,milk powder and milk.Mix well so that no lump is there and is of pouring consistency.

Step 2

Then make sugar syrup.Add kesar to it.

Step 3

After that add grated dry coconut,fennel seed,green cardamom powder,baking powder. and stir. Pua batter is ready

Step 4

Now heat oil and ghee in a  pan, then pour a ladle full of batter in the hot oil making small Pua .

Step 5

Turn the Pua on both sides till golden in colour.Do not make it very dark.

Step 6

Dip puas in the hot sugar syrup and leave aside for few hours so that the sryup is perfectly soaked and you get to eat spongy puas.Warm little and then eat..12373180_10153313532512828_7575754892862123188_n-jpgmil-powder-puas-2

Thanks for stopping by.
