Ghee Roast Chicken


There are many version of this recipe but after trying from here and there I came up with my version and I love it and so does my family.The aroma that comes from roasted masala is bud tickling.The whole house has been smelling of mouthwatering spices.Kids are jumping with excitement and waiting to be served.Rice is nearly done.Serving this with hot steaming rice and pickled onion juliennes will be the ultimate kick.I know describing like this,I am being develish but it will be worth the try if you want.

I had read this recipe in one of the food groups I follow but never tried for some time but again when that post resurfaced then I thought of giving a try so I searched on net on three -four different sites and then added few of my own and made.Chicken being an excellent source of protien,its very good to give in winters to kids for extra nutrition.

Come lets make my way



  1. Chicken – 1 kg washed
  2. Curd – 1 cup
  3. Turmeric – 1 tsp
  4. Lemon Juice- 1 tbsp
  5. Jaggery – 1 small cube
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Ghee – 8 tbsp
  8. Curry Leaves – a handful
  9. Kashmiri Red Chilli Dry – 8-9
  10. Dry Red chilli – 4
  11. Black PepperCorns-8
  12. Coriander Seeds- 1 tbsp
  13. Cumin Seeds – 1/2 tbsp
  14. Fennel seeds – 1 tbsp
  15. Cloves – 4 – 5
  16. Fenugreek Seeds – 2 pinch
  17. Ginger – Garlic – 4 tbsp grated
  18. Tarmarind paste – 1 tsp
  19. Warm water – 1 cup


  1. Marinate chicken in curd, turmeric powder, lemon juice and half a tsp of salt for 2 hrs.
  2. In the same pan, add a tsp of ghee and roast, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds,red chillies, cloves and peppercorns on low flame for 2 minutes. Remove from fire and cool.
  3. Grind the roasted spices along with ginger- garlic and tamarind to a fine paste. Keep aside.
  4. Heat 4 tbsps ghee in a pan place the marinated pieces along with the marinade and cook till its more than half done.
  5. Remove the sauteed chicken pieces and keep aside. Remove the remaining liquid into another bowl.
  6. In the same vessel, add the remaining ghee, and add the ground paste. Saute on low to medium flame till the ghee separates.
  7. Add the chicken pieces and mix well. Add the left over liquid (while cooking chicken) and jaggery and cook on medium flame for 5 minuts. Add salt to taste and mix.
  8. Reduce flame, place lid and cook till the chicken is cooked and you have a thick coating of the masala to the chicken pieces.
  9. Remove lid, roast the chicken for 2-3 minutes.Transfer to a serving dish.
  10. Garnish with curry leaves and serve with hot steaming rice.img_2283




Tangy Curry Leaves Machali(Fish Curry )


Fish is a really nutritious food, being rich in protein, vitamins and minerals which are essential to maintain good health.Fish has a reputation for being low calorie, high protein “brain food,” thanks to the long strands of polyunsaturated essential omega-3 fatty acids  found in fish oil.

This is my all time favourite and easy fish dish.I simply love this one and its a must make dish for everyone.

Come lets do my way:



Rohu Fish(Any other fish would do)- 750 gms

For the gravy

  1. Onion-2 large finely sliced
  2. Tomatoes-3( 1 chopped and 2 pureed)
  3. Ginger – garlic-1 tsp grated
  4. Mustard seeds-2 pinch
  5. Curry leaves-few
  6. Red chilly powder-1 tsp
  7. Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
  8. Jeera(Cumin) powder-1 tsp
  9. Dhania(Coriander) powder-1 tsp
  10. Garam masala-1/2 tsp
  11. Chaat masala-1 tsp
  12. Coconut Milk-1 cup
  13. Salt to taste
  14. Chopped Coriander Leaves
  15. Mustard Oil – 10-12 tbsp

For the Marination

  1. Turmeric – 1/2 tsp
  2. salt to taste
  3. Red Chilli to taste-1/2 tsp
  4. Lemon juice14315860_10153924324652828_1189073760_o


  1. Wash and Clean Fish.Mix all the Ingrediens for the marinaion.Keep aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Heat mustard oil in the pan, shallow fry the fish pieces till golden.
  3. In the same oil add add mustard seeds and let it crackle.Add the sliced onions and curry leaves.Cook till onions turn transparent.Add the chopped tomatoes.
  4. Meanwhile make the puree of tomatoes and ginger-garlic.
  5. Add all the masalas required for the gravy.Add the salt.
  6. Cook till oil leaves the sides.Add tomato puree mixture and stir once.
  7. Arrange the fish pieces over the masalas.Sprinkle coriander leaves and flip the fish once.
  8. Cover and cook for 2 minutes.
  9. Add the coconut milk and let the gravy simmer till it becomes semi thick.
  10. Serve hot with steaming rice.14331128_10153924324302828_205005265_n

Thanks for stopping by,if you like do leave a comment and like my page too.





Malwani Chicken


Malvani chicken  is very popular coastal region recipe in Maharashtra. It’s prepared using lots of fresh coconut which is easily available in Konkan area.Malvani cuisine is the standard cuisine of the Konkan region of Maharashtra and Goa, and some northern parts of West Karnataka. Although Malvani cuisine is predominantly non-vegetarian, there are many vegetarian delicacies too.Chicken Malvani is a traditional and popular Malvani style of cooking chicken curry cooked in spicy Malvani masala gravy and coconut milk. This dish is extremely flavourful and a delicious chicken dish that goes well with rice, roti, chapatti or naan.

Recipe Credit-Aditya Bal,I tried his recipe and it turned out very well so sharing his recipe with minor changes.I had searched a lot of recipes on net but found this recipe to be the best to suit my family taste.This chicken curry was loved by all.

Lets try my way..



  • 1 kg chicken, cut into medium sized pieces
  • 2 large Potatoes cut into quaters
    For the curry:
    80 ml of water

    3 Tbsp of refined oil

    3 onions, finely chopped

    A handful of grated coconut

    A handful of coriander leaves

    For the malvani masala:

    1 bay leaf

    1/2 nutmeg

    6-7 cloves

    6-7 dry red chillies

    10 black peppercorns

    1 large cinnamon stick

    1 tsp cumin seeds

    1 tsp coriander seeds

    1 tsp red chilli powder

    1/2 tsp turmeric powder

    For the coconut masala paste:

    3 green chillies

    5-6 garlic cloves

    1 grated coconut

    3/4th inch of ginger13898378_10153818538687828_1130135349_o


  • Dry roast all the ingredients of the Malvani masala in a pan and coarsely grind them.
  • Then grind all the ingredients of the coconut masala into a paste.In a kadhai, heat oil, add the onions and the ground coconut masala.Stir and cook for about 10 minutes.

    Add 3-4 tsp of the ground Malavani masala, red chilly power and salt to taste.

    Mix in the chickenand the potatoes,mix well and saute at high for few minutes and then add water.

    Cover and let it cook on low flame for about 40 mins till the gravy thickens and the chicken is tender.

    Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and grated coconut.

    Serve hot.13918499_10153818538172828_2031375923_o

  • Thank You Chef Aditya Bal for the wonderful recipe.


Chettinand Mutton Kozhambu

14164066_10153895497917828_1971882584_oMutton curry (also referred to as kosha mangsho ,Goat curry and lamb curry) is an Indian curry dish that is prepared from mutton and vegetables and originated in Bengal. Railway mutton curry is a variation of the dish that originated during the British Raj colonial-era. Primary ingredients of mutton curry include mutton, onion, tomato and spices.

Chettinad Cuisine is most popular in southern part of India and in fact it has gained immense popularity.. This is the most common non-veg dish you can found in any south-Indian restaurant.Chettinad Mutton Kuzhambu, a spicy and flavorful Mutton Curry made with fresh grounded spices and coconut. I love their cuisine, they are spicy, flavourful, full of freshly roasted masala and spice powders.
Recipe Credit-Akum Raj Jamir,a very sweet member of one of the foodgroup we both follow.Her recipe atracted my attention and i wanted to try it.The result was too good.Here I am posting her recipe with my changes.14215212_10153895498022828_162546954_o

Mutton – 750 grams
Oil – 5 tbsp
Cinnamon – 1 inch stick
Cardamom pods – 3
Cloves – 4
Fennel Seeds – 1 tsp
Shallots Onions – around 15 sliced (If u dont have small ones,use 3 big ones)
Dry red chilly – 2 broken
Curry leaves – 2 sprigs
Ginger Garlic Paste – 2 tsp
Tomatoes -2 large chopped finely
Salt to taste
Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp
Water as needed
Coriander Leaves a handful finely chopped

Ghee-2 tbsp

Mustard Seeds-1 tsp

Khus-khus-1 tsp(soaked in warm water and I grinded this with Coconut)

For Grinding:
Dry Red Chilli – 5-6 or as per your heat preference
Whole Peppercorns – 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds – 1 .5 tsp
Star Anise -2
Cardamom – 4
Coriander Seeds – 2.5 tsp
Cinnamon Stick – a bigstick
Fennel Seeds – 1.5 tsp
Coconut – 1/2 cup


Heat a pan and dry roast all the ingredients(except For Coconut) mentioned in the grinding list till a nice aroma comes out of it. Let it cool down and blend it into a fine powder. Keep aside

Now heat oil in a pan, add in the whole spices and let them crackle for a min. Add the onions, ginger garlic paste, chillies and curry leaves and saute for 2 mins. Add in salt and turmeric powder and mix well.Add the tomatoes and saute till tomatoes turns mushy. Add the mutton and mix well. Cook for around 5 mins stirring continuously.

Now add the grounded spice powder and toss well so that the masala coat nicely with the mutton. Cook for around 5 mins. Now add water, cover the pan with lid and cook on medium heat till the mutton is cooked completely stirring occasionally. Keep adding water little by little at a time. Adjust the gravy consistency. Add chopped coriander leaves, give a quick stir and take off the heat.

Tip: The change I made here was,I gave a tadka(tempering) of mustard seeds and little more curry leaves after the masalas were sauteed well with mutton and oil was released .gave a nice stir after the tempering.Then I added a glass of hot water with few drops of lemon juice before transferring to the cooker and cooked for another 10 minutes.

The taste was mindblowing.Thank U Akum for the wonderful recipe.


Stuffed Bhindi Masala


This is an easy invention when I wanted to make something in hurry but something delicious.Long list of ingredients may look alot but it very easy to make and its an quick preparation.Bhindi(okra) is mostly loved by all.Many ways its been tried but each and every style of cooking this veggie comes out very yummy.

Okra, also known as “lady’s finger”, or “bamia” is one of the popular nutritious vegetables of North-East African origin. … Nonetheless, they are rich sources of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins; often recommended by nutritionists in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction ..

Come Lets try this recipe my way




  1. Bhindi(Okra)-250gms
  2. Onion Paste-1/4Cup
  3. Tomato Paste-1/4 cup
  4. Ginger-Garlic Paste-2 tsp
  5. Turmeric-1/2 tsp
  6. Anardana powder-1 tsp
  7. Jeera Powder-1 tsp
  8. Garam masala powder-1/4 tsp
  9. salt to taste
  10. Amchoor powder-A big pinch
  11. Dry Red Chilli-1
  12. Chopped Coriander-a handful
  13. Oil -6 tbsp
  14. water for sprinkling

For the stuffing

  1. Jeera Powder-1/4 tsp
  2. Dhaniya powder-1/4 tsp
  3. Asofetida(Hing)-2 pinch
  4. salt
  5. Chaat masala Powder-1 tsp
  6. Red Chilli Powder-1/4 tsp


1.Slit Bhindi lengthwise but not fully,only till midway so that the stuffing can be stuffed.

2.Mix all the masala for the stuffing and put deep inside the bhindi .

3.Keep aside for 5 minutes.

4.Heat Oil in a non-stick Pan,keep bhindi vertically and cook evenly all the sides(Approx 5 minutes.)Keep Aside on a plate.

5. Again heat oil in the same pan,add onion paste and cook ill brown.Add tomatoe paste ,coriander leaves and all the other masalas and cook till oil leaves the sides.Sprinkle little water and mix with the masalas.Add Bhindis and further cook for another 5 minutes till bindis get coated with the masalas,serve hot with Rotis.13931482_10153818536732828_1226207172_o

Thanks for reading this



Malai Paneer


There are so many Paneer recipes all over.Some are easy and some are complicated but the end result is a well cooked and flavourful paneer dishes.Another easy recipe from my kitchen to you all and its  quick to make.Malai adds a smooth creamy texture to most of the dishes,and when added with other flavours thern a new magic is created.Here I have tried to create a delicious creamy paneer which is bursting with flavours.

Come lets try my way

Malai Paneer


  1. Paneer- 250 gms
  2. Onion. -1 big
  3. Tomatoes-2 big
  4. Ginger garlic grated -1 tbsp
  5. Coriander Seeds-1/2 tsp
  6. Cloves -4
  7. Cinnamon-1 big stick
  8. Mace -1/2 stick
  9. Malai ( cream ) -1/4 cup
  10. Milk -1/4 cup
  11. Red chillies -2
  12. Sugar -1/2 tsp
  13. Cashews-7-8( soaked in warm milk for 15 minutes)
  14. Salt to taste
  15. Turmeric -1 tsp
  16. Jeera – a pinch
  17. Ghee-3 tbsp
  18. Yellow food colour -a pinch ( optional)


1. Heat two tbsp of ghee in a non stick Pan.Add onions garlic ginger cloves cinnamon mace turmeric ,coriander seeds ,red chillies and a pinch of jeer and drained cashew nuts.Saute on a high flame till all onion turns transparent.Add Tomatoes and cook till its mushy

2. Add salt and saute and take off the heat . When the mixture is off heat add the malai and let it cool.add food colour and sugar too .

3. When the mixture had cooled down then put in the blender and add milk till it is well blended into a smooth paste .

4. Heat the remaining ghee and swirl well in the pan ,add paneer cubes and saute for 2 minutes both the sides.Add the smooth paste and little more milk and let it simmer for 10 minutes on a slow flame.

5. When it’s done add few drops of ghee and serve with warm Paranthas.

Tip- if the gravy is too thick add more milk and adjust seasoning.

Thank u for stopping by.


Aloo ki Pooria


Ahhh!!!! POORIES!!! What a bliss to eat.Poories can be eaten plain or with gravy based vegetables.This can be made in several variety,few of them are my favourite.I had heard of poories made with aloo(Potato) in vrat(fasting) wala flour but these made in normal flour are even more tastier.These are crisp from outside and cotton like soft from inside.This is simply simply delicious.

Come lets try my way



  1. Aata (wheat flour)- 1 cup
  2. Boiled Potato grated- 2 large
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Jeera powder-1/2 tsp
  5. Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
  6. Red chilli powder- 2 pinch
  7. Chaat masala-1/4 tsp
  8. Oil-2 tbsp for mixing with flour and for frying
  9. Suji/Semolina-4 tbsp
  10. Water for kneading the dough.


  1. Boil and grate the aloo.
  2. Mix all the ingredients with the flour and make sure its mixed well,initially it will looks like bread crumbs.
  3. Knead with water into a semi-soft dough.keep aside for 5 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile heat oil in a wok,when it beacomes hot then roll out the dough into small circular disc and fry till light golden colour ,it will puff up immediately when it goes into the oil.
  5. Have this delicious poories with a gravy based sabzi or simply with any pickle,both ways it will taste good.13833232_10153797114182828_773601080_o

Thanks for stopping by and having a look.Do like this recipe if you find this interesting.


Quick Palak Paneer

Palak paneer is one of the most popular Indian paneer recipe along with paneer butter masala and kadai paneer. Palak paneer is basically soft paneer or cottage cheese cubes cooked in a smooth spinach curry.

This combination of spinach and paneer is not only highly nutritious, but is a splendid blend of taste, texture and flavour. The paneer in this recipe has been fried to add some extra flavour. You can however add the paneer pieces without frying if required.

I just tried to make this recipe simple by add shortcut method to it and yes it really saves the time and no change in taste.

So lets get going:



  • Fresh spinach / palak – 200 to 250 grams
  • Pure Ghee – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 1/2 spoon sugar
  • Onion (chopped) – 1 large
  • Garam Masala Powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Jeera Powder – 1 tsp
  • Tomato (chopped) – 2 large
  • Water (for ice bath) – 3 cups
  • Water (for blanching spinach) – 3 cups
  • Ginger – ½ inch, roughly chopped
  • Garlic – 1 or 2 small to medium cloves, roughly chopped (optional)
  • Green Chillies – 1 or 2 (chopped)

Method :

(A) For making the Palak Puree :

  1. Rinse the palak or spinach leaves very well in running water. Tender stem are fine, if the stems are stringy, then discard the stems.
  2. Put Palak in a pan along with tomatoes,ginger,garlic,green chillies.Let it steam with palak till its done.
  3. . Add the spinach in a blender or a grinder jar with chopped ginger, garlic and green chilies and tomatoes.
  4. Make a smooth palak puree. There is no need to add water while making the puree. keep the spinach puree aside.

(B) For the Rest….

  1. Heat oil and ghee or butter in a pan or kadai. If using butter, melt it at a  low flame making sure that the butter does not brown.
  2. Add the cumin and let them splutter.
  3. Then add the tej patta or bay leaf.
  4. Add the finely chopped onions. Saute till the onions become golden.
  5. Add the paneer cubes and let it turn golden with onions.Approx 1 minute all the sides.
  6. Stir very well and then add the palak puree.
  7. Stir well.
  8. Add about ⅓ to ½ cup water or as required. Stir again.
  9. Simmer for 6 – 7 minutes or more till the palak or spinach is cooked. Season with salt. The gravy or sauce will also thicken by now.
  10. Stir and add garam masala powder.
  11. Add jeera powder and salt and 1/2 tsp of sugar.
  12. Stir gently and simmer on a low flame till the paneer cubes become soft and succulent. about 1 to 2 minutes.
  13. Lastly, add cream. Stir gently again so that the cream gets incorporated in the palak paneer gravy uniformly. Switch off the flame.
  14. Stir and serve the palak paneer hot with some rotis, naan or jeera rice. You can top the palak paneer with some butter or cream also while serving. Also drizzle a few drops of lime or lemon juice on top along with ginger julienne.