Tomato Chutney

Droolicious Tomato Chutney15902788_10154252027057828_1959666536_o.jpg

This is the original pic of the chutney, the color is natural .This a very regularly made chutney at my Nani’s house(grandmother).I did a little variation and am so happy with the result.The tangy zinc of mustard seeds takes this to another level.It tastes great in winter with all type of paranthas or with hot steaming ghee(Clarified butter) rice.15934159_10154252027032828_1458139552_o

Come lets try my way



  • Tomatoes_4 big red ripe ones
  • Garlic – 6pieces
  • Onion – 1large
  • Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1/4tsp
  • Kashmiri Mirch powder – 1/2tsp
  • Coriander powder – 1/2tsp
  • Garam masala – 1/4tsp
  • Dry red Chilli – 3
  • Jaggery – a small ball
  • Salt to taste
  • Mustard oil – 3tbsp
  • Juice of a half lemon


1.Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds and dry red Chilli, let it splutter, then add the chopped onions and roughly crushed garlic. Saute for 2minutes

2.Add all the dry masalas and jaggery, let the jaggery start melting, then the diced tomatoes. Add salt and cover and cook till pulpy.Add lemon juice to it. Switch off the gas and let it cool.

  3.Grind the blender to a thick paste. Enjoy the chutney with parantha or hot ghee rice.

Tip.. The original recipe says no grinding of the tomato pulp but when cooked and made into a chutney, the mustard seeds gives a good tangy taste.15902458_10154252027037828_310141494_o

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Baingan Bharta


Baingan Bharta is primarily a vegetarian dish that is prepared by mincing eggplant (baingan) that is grilled over charcoal or direct fire. This infuses the dish with smoky flavour. The smoked and mashed eggplant is then mixed with fresh cilantro (coriander leaves), chili pepper, onion and mustard oil.Punjabis use a lot of tomato in their Baingan bharta recipe.There are many ways of cooking baingan bharta but I love the way my cousin Shefali Rekhi had made for me ages ago and that taste stayed wih me for ever.

When I had prepared this dish my son came running with mint leaves and decorated with his small hands and wanted me to click as it was,which was far from the opposite of what I had thought to present.So excuse my simple presentation but this dish  is so full of flavour and taste.

Come lets make my way:


  • Brinjal/Eggplant- 1 big
  • Tomatoes – 2 medium size
  • Onion- 1 big chopped
  • Ginger garlic grated – 1 tbsp
  • Mustard Oil – 2 tbsp
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric – 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin seeds -a pinch
  • cumin powder – 1 tsp
  • Coriander powder – 1 tsp
  • Garam masala powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Coriander choppped – a handful
  • Green chillies slit-2-3
  • Dry red chilli – 1 (optional)


  1. Grease the brinjal with a little oil, make slits all over the surface at equal intervals and roast over an open flame for 10 to 12 minutes or till the brinjal turns soft and black, while turning occasionally. Keep aside to cool slightly.Similarly roast greased tomatoes also on the gas stove and keep in waer to cool.
  2. Cut the stem and discard it. Peel the skin and mash it using a potato masher. Keep aside.Peel the skin of the tomatoes and mash and mix with the baingan.
  3. Heat the ghee and mustard oil in a  pan and add the cumin seeds ..
  4. When the seeds crackle, add the onions and sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute.
  5. Add the grated ginger garlic and green chillies and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds.
  6. Add turmeric powder and coriander-cumin seeds powder, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  7. Add the roasted and mashed brinjal and tomatoes, garam masala and salt, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  8. Serve hot garnished with coriander.Add a dollop of ghee in the last over the hot ,steaming bharta.
  9. This taste great with roti or hot crisp paranthas.

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Quick Stir Fry Mushroom


Many mushrooms are also good sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral, as well as copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, mushrooms provide protein, vitamin C and iron. Because their cells walls are undigestible unless exposed to heat, you must cook mushrooms to get their nutritional benefits.

My easy peasy stir fry mushroom with carrots.I love making this and it tastes great.Its quick to make  and taste great with paranthas(Indian flat bread).Since mushroom is available round the year so my experiment wih this button is on throughout.On one such experiment I made this and the result made me happy.So come lets try this:15224830_10154122809552828_219547331_o



  • Mushroom – 250 grms roughly diced
  • Carrots -2 diced
  • Onions -2 sliced
  • Ginger – Garlic -grated
  • Maggie seasoning cube(veg)-2
  • Chaat masala – 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • Coriander Chopped – a handful
  • Red Chilli dry – 1-2
  • Oil – 2 tbsp


1.Heat oil in a non stick pan.Add the dry red chilli and let it crackle.

2. Add carrots and let it cook for 3-4 minutes covered.Add ginger garlic and saute at high.

3.Add mushrooms and onions together and saute at high.Add the maggie masala seasoning and little bit of salt(if required) as seasoning has salt in it.Stir fry everything at medium to high till all the veggies get cooked and no water is there in the vegetables.Add chaat masala and coriander leaves and stir for another minute and its done.

4. Serve warm with paranthas.

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Veg Lollipop

15205821_10154122810432828_1104089781_oSome recipes are close to your heart as special memories are attached to it.My mother in law had made for me when I had got married and it was my first evening with them.With the evening tea i got to eat this amazing ,super delicious lollipop.Trust me it was the perfect combination with the flavourful tea,moreover it was served with so m uch of love.Since it had all the vegetables so I did not felt guilty eating this fried beauty,infact I remember gorging on two of these.So lets get going to the recipe and enjoy the visual treat.15184054_10154125258012828_880158170_o



  • Boiled potatoes – 4
  • Chopped Onions – 2
  • Chopped carrots-2
  • Chopped beans-a handful
  • Chopped capsicum – 1
  • Grated ginger garlic-2tsp
  • Chopped coriander – a handful
  • Suji(Semolina) – 1/2cup
  • Maida(Flour) – 1cup
  • Garam masala powder – 1/2tsp
  • Roasted jeera powder – 1tbsp
  • Coriander powder – 1 tbsp
  • Pav bhaji masala-1tsp
  • Lemon juice-1
  • Chat masala – 1tsp
  • Tomato sauce-2tbsp
  • Green chillies chopped (acc. To the taste)
  • Oil for frying
  • Ice cream sticks


1. Make the thick slurry of Maida and water and keep aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add the onions and all the vegetables with the grated ginger garlic and all the masalas except Pav bhaji. Cover and cook till masalas get cooked.

3.Boil and mash aloo.Add pav bhaji masala, chopped green chillies, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt to taste, tomatoe sauce, mix well.

4.Add the above mixture to the cooked masala vegetables and fry again for 5minutes.keep aside to cool.

5.when cooked make any desired shape of the mixture and stick ice cream stick to it and press well. Dip in the slurry and keep aside.

6.when all done then roll in Suji and keep aside in the fridge for 30 minutes

7.Heat oil in the pan and when it gets hot then lower the flame and put one lollipop and check if it’s not spreading then fry 3-4 at a time till golden. Take out on an absorbant paper and serve with any sauce or chutney of your choice.15231452_10154125258132828_702355663_o


Mixed Dal Dahiwade


A must make dish for any occasion.This dahiwadas are super soft ,spongy and very delicious and so very different from the regular ones.This one is my personal favourite.The unique mix of dals(lentils) gives a distinct taste to this preparation.

I first had this when my mother in law made this in Diwali.The taste was so good and i was completlely hooked to the taste.I remember having so many in a row.Come lets try this and surprise your family this diwali.



  1. Urad dal- 1/2 cup
  2. Moog Dal-1/2 cup
  3. Baking Soda-a pinch
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Hing-a pinch
  6. Chopped coriander leaves
  7. Pepper powder – two pinch
  8. Chopped green chillies
  9. Beaten Curd-2cups
  10. Rock salt-1/2tsp
  11. Jeera powder-1/2 tsp(roasted)
  12. Red Chilli powder – 1/4tsp
  13. Sugar – 1tsp
  14. Chaat Masala_1/2tsp
  15. Sweet Tamarind Chutney_3-4tbsp
  16. Green Coriander Chutney-2tbsp



1.Soak both the dals for 4-5hrs.

2.Grind the dals with pepper powder, high, salt to a fine paste but it should not be runny.

3.Add chopped green chillies and coriander leaves to eat. Add baking soda and beat till the batter is light and fluffy.This is the trick to this yuumy wadas.You can test this by droping a spoonful in the water and then if it floats then the batter is ready for frying.

4.Heat oil in a pan and lower the flame and wet your hand and start making small balls and leave them in the oil to fry.. Since they are well beaten the wadas will float on the top. Fry till golden. Take out from the kadhai and put in the salted warm water for few minutes. This will help in extra oil to come out and the wadas will be soft too.

5.Now beat the curd(you can take chilled or room temperature) Add all the spices. Reserve some to sprinkle on top.

6.Squeeze the wadas from the water. Put it on the plate. Pour masala Curd on top and let it sit for 5_10minutes.Before serving add tamarind chutney and the green chutney. U can put sev also and few pomegranate seeds. I sprinkled kashmiri Mirch powder too for the extra color.14724022_10154026223722828_1377925015_o

Delicious Dahi wadas are ready

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Pancakes with Berry Sauce.


The ancient Greeks and Romans ate pancakes, sweetened with honey.  Pancakes were a good way to use up stores of about-to-be-forbidden perishables like eggs, milk, and butter.A pancake is a flat cake, often thin, and round, prepared from a starch-based batter that may also contain eggs, milk and butter and cooked on a hot surface such as griddle or a pan.

For me making anything special for kids is no particular day but on sundays I want to make something which is completle and filling in it self.Making Pancakes was so rewarding and easy on my time.I have often made with different variations but this particular pancake dish with berry sauce is all time hit.Kids and elders have loved it so here I am sharing with you all.

Come lets make my way


  • 1 cup refined flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • A big pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp of Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cup of milk
  • 2 tbsp of Melted Butter
  • Fresh Seasonal fruits chopped( I have used strawberries,you can use banana,apple etc)

For the berry sauce

  • Blueberry preserve-6 tbsp
  • water – 1/4 cup
  • lemon juice- few drops


  1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter. Mix until smooth and lump free but not very thin.
  2. Heat a lightly buttered  frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the pan, using 1 scoop of big ladle for each pancake. Golden on both sides and serve hot.
  3. Take the berry preserve in the pan.add 1/4 cup of water and  few drops of lemon juice.Let it boil and become smooth and glossy.Keep aside.
  4. Chop fresh fruits.
  5. Take one hot pancake,spread the sauce,put another pancake ,add the chopped fruits,cover with the third one.Drizzle honey or maple syrup on top and some fresh melted chocolate sauce(optional).You can use whipped cream too.
  6. Serve Immediately,enjoy fluffy pancake with delicious sauce and chopped fresh fruits.This is not only a breakfast option but any time meal.Pure sinful indulgence.

Tip:You can make fresh fruit compote too and use as the sauce.

Thanks for stopping by.




Fresh Fruit Salad with French Dressing

14339316_10153940499607828_526838556_o  Vegetables in salads are good sources of insoluble fiber, which keeps your digestive tract healthy. If you add nuts, seeds or beans to the salad, you’ll get a boost of soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and keeps blood sugar balanced.Eating raw fruits and vegetables will keep you feeling better, look more fit, become healthier and live longer. If you frequently eat green salads, you’ll likely have higher blood levels of a host of powerful antioxidants (vitamin C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and alpha- and beta-carotene,) especially if your salad includes some raw vegetables. 


My fresh fruit salad obsession continues.For me a salad can be a whole meal in tself.I love to add fresh ingredients in my salad.I like it more if its sweet and sour.We can experiment with lots of dressings but french dressings can fit into any type of salad and give it some extra kick to its taste.

Come lets make my way



Cucumber diced – 1

Mangoes diced – 1 ( You can use apples too here)

Salt to taste

Vinegar(White one I have used)-1 tbsp

Chilli flakes – 2 pinch ( Instead of pepper I have used Chilli Flakes)

Honey – 1 tsp

Olive oil-2 tbsp

Mustard powder – a pinch

Pine nuts toasted- a few ( You can use Walnuts or roasted Almonds too)

Mint leaves – few broken

# You can add carrots too


1.Mix mustard,honey, salt,chilli flakes,vinegar really well.Add Olive oil and continue to whisk till the dressing becomes creamy.

2.Mix the diced ingredients with the dressing.Toss well.Chill for some time ( 10 minutes)

3. Before serving again toss the salad so that the settled dressing coats the vegetable and fruit well.Add the torn mint leaves and toated pinenuts.

Enjoy the delicious salad.14339952_10153940499397828_646816884_o14203420_10153940499682828_1997677973_o

I enjoyed my salad with homemade grilled chicken.he whole meal was very satisfying.

Thanks for stopping by.


Creamy Fruit Salad


This is one salad you would love to make again and again.This tangy,sweet and spicy and so crunchy.All healthy potion packed into one.This my mom used to make for my father.The only change I did was I added walnuts to it.

Come lets make my way



  1. Hung Curd- 1 cup
  2. Salt to taste
  3. Red chilli flakes
  4. Sugar -1/2 tsp
  5. Mustard Powder-1/2 tsp
  6. Green Chilli Chopped-2
  7. Lettuce Leaves-Few(kept in ice water for the crunch for few minutes)
  8. Any Seasonal Fruits- 1 cup( I have taken apple,grapes,cucumber,pears)
  9. Walnuts- a handful broken



  • 1.Take hung curd and whip well.
  • 2. Add the seasoning,sugar,mustard powder(Freshly done)and chilli flakes.Mix well.
  • 3. Add all the diced fruits.
  • 4. Chill well.Serve on the cold lettuce leaves.
  • Enjoy the tangy creamy salad.14339923_10153927259842828_1272607787_o
