Strawberry Pannacotta


Strawberry Pannacotta

The name panna cotta is not mentioned in Italian cookbooks before the 1960s, yet it is often cited as a traditional dessert of the northern Italian region of Piedmont. … Its recipe includes cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, gelatin, rum, and marsala poured into a mold with caramel.Panna cotta is a very basic pudding that is made of dairy thickened with gelatin. It originated in Italy and its name literally means “cooked cream,” since the earliest versions were made of thick cream.

On a sun kissed afternoon,I made this dessert for my kids on Valentine’s Day to show my love for them.They don’t like strawberries so I thought of making in a different way.The smooth sweet dessert with sweet and sour strawberry compote to go with bowled them over.The hug I got summed up for all the hard work.

Come lets try my way,its a simple and very easy dessert.


  • 1 cup cream
  • 1cup coconut milk
  • 1/2cup milk
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 tbsp-Gelatine
  • Strawberries chopped -1 cup



Strawberry Slush

Chop Strawberries, add sugar(add more than half cup or a cup if strawberries are sour) and Strawberry essence (you can use cinnamon powder if you don’t hve). Heat till u get good mushy consistency. Mash Strawberries. Let it be thick. switch off the gas n keep aside.

For Panna Cotta

Heat all the ingredients together. Don’t let it boil. Just heat n dissolve the sugar n keep aside. Dissolve gelatin in some water. After it blooms heat it and mix with pannacotta. Pour the white part first and keep in the fridge to set for 2-3hours. Then pour Strawberry part and set for another 1 hr and it’s ready. you can add little gelatine in Strawberry too. It will set better.16776101_10154359264707828_988084988_o

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